This document, being written as we discuss, will entail sudden inputs of points of interest (every time someone has a good thought / interesting thought). These will be noted as POI, and appear throughout the text, preferably when they are relevant to the general theme of the discussion.
Meeting #110/02/2017
This document, being written as we discuss, will entail sudden inputs of points of interest (every time someone has a good thought / interesting thought). These will be noted as POI, and appear throughout the text, preferably when they are relevant to the general theme of the discussion.
Today the groups were created and we have made a few decisions, prior to working on the project, which we are to be presented with later today.
The decisions are as follows.
1. We have assigned a few roles. These roles entail an organizer (April), a person in charge of the blog (Valur), two people in charge of documentation (Lukas) and (Christina)
2. Furthermore we have decided on using Tilda for our blog, since we believe it holds greater potential as an interface.
3. We have furthermore been discussing a few interesting approaches to the task that is to come. This semester, having been presented with a lot, of techniques, we appreciate the importance of investing a lot of attention to the specificities of applicable methods.
4. We are furthermore discussing the, new to us, approach of researching, what similar research projects have been done, prior to ours. We see the potential of this approach.
Meeting #2
- Discussion of our technologies (trello/calender)
- We need to discuss mission, vision and values (since we are now working (for/with/against) a bank
- Mission: to complete one of these design challenges for danske bank (not forgetting ourselves in the process).
- Vision:
- Values: Bring the concept of Human Values, in Focus
- People love to talk about human values, but nobody really gets into it
- (Anders Albrechtslund talks about the lack of detail, when discussing human values)
- We are concerned about the inclusion of humans/users in our design process and product. Are we truly designing for people, or are the merely a means to an end: the banks end.
- "We wanna protects the interests (privacy, anonymous-y, personal info…) of our user" - Valur (April likes that)
- Generally we appreciate the importance of the impact our design can have (on both sides of this context - banks><users,) - ethical/moral values in our design.
- Discussion of the design challenges, as well as our experience of the meeting with the Bank.
- Kodak moment is apparently a buzz-word for pure failure (you're either growing(adapting) or dying)
- The Presentation from DB, was split up in two (possibly equally important) parts. 1. Background information on DB and Banks in general - History, future, and current issues. 2. The three different design challenges, what they entail, and examples of what one might do in each challenge, as well as theoretical/philosophical perspective (still their perspective though).
- Design Challenges. (These will primarily be notes on our discussions and perspectives on the different challenges, since we have no interest in repeating, or representing the specific perspectives we were presented with.)
- The Future of Payments:
- Internet of things: How that affects payment (smart fridge).
- We should exclude any (specific) idea, they had
- To respect our own profession
- Reframing whatever they presented, may be crucial to approaching these challenges from a more objective viewpoint
- POI: Maybe the approach is not designing a new smart thing(dims), maybe there is a deeper and more rewarding approach to this.
- They presented, what we found, a rather interesting question, namely that maybe the future is not related to a smartphone, think out of that box.
- POI: what is the bank's role in payment. Isn't all payment just a transaction, no matter the (dims)?
- POI: automated payment - might it be relevant to discuss to what degree we even want the banks to do stuff for us. Ease/comfort><security/privacy (people are fundamentally lazy)
- The Economy Experience
- The Banks are talking about the experience, but their economy experience. Banks in focus.
- POI: What about the economic experience of the user? What does that look like if we completely defocus the bank's interest?
- POI: The banks hand the least interest in this, which might be why it is most interesting for us.
- There seems to be interest, currently from the group, in looking at this challenge.
- POI: The ethical perspectives of introducing children to money and banking
- POI: What happens with children's, initial money experiences, when everything goes digital? No physical money to 'play' with.